pmdaib(1) — Linux manual page


PMDAIB(1)                General Commands Manual               PMDAIB(1)

NAME         top

       pmdaib - Infiniband performance metrics domain agent (PMDA)

SYNOPSIS         top

       $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/infiniband/pmdaib [-c configFile] [-D debug] [-d
       domain] [-l logfile] [-w]

DESCRIPTION         top

       pmdaib is a Performance Metrics Domain Agent (PMDA) which exports
       information and performance metrics about local Infiniband HCAs
       and local or remote Infiniband GUIDs.

       A brief description of the pmdaib command line options follows:

       -c   Location of the config file.  By default, the config file is
            named $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/infiniband/config.  See CONFIG FILE for
            more information.

       -D   A debug values, as specified by pmdbg(1)

       -d   Specify an alternate performance metrics domain number.
            Almost never necessary.

       -l   Location of the log file.  By default, a log file named
            ib.log is written to $PCP_LOG_DIR/pmcd.  If the log file
            cannot be created or is not writable, output is written to
            the standard error instead.

       -w   Write out the default config file to
            $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/infiniband and exit immediately.  The written
            config file will contain the local HCA ports.  It will not
            overwrite an existing file.  This argument should only be
            used to create the template config file and should never
            appear in pmcd.conf.  See CONFIG FILE for more information
            on the file format and on monitoring remote GUIDs.

CONFIG FILE         top

       By default, the PMDA will operate without using a config file.
       In this mode of operation the local HCA ports will be monitored.
       Note that if a new HCA is added to the machine that instance
       domain naming may change because it will always be based on the
       kernel's naming.

       In cases where this is not acceptable, or in the case where
       monitoring remote Infiniband ports is required, a config file
       must be created.  A "template" file can be created by running the
       pmdaib daemon with the -w argument.  This will create a config
       file with the local ports and GUIDs.

       If the config file is executable then it will be run and the
       output will be used as the config file.

       The config file is composed of line-based records.  Blank lines
       and everything after the hash (#) character are ignored.  Each
       line has 6 fields:

       [instName] [portGUID] [portNum] via

       The first field is used to give a static instance name to the
       Infiniband port that has a specific GUID.  All of the other
       fields must be properly specified in order to monitor a
       particular port.

       For example, to monitor port 1 of the local HCA called 'mthca0' a
       possible config file line would be:

       myPort1 0xdeadbeef01234567 1 via mthca0:1

       Remote ports can be easily monitored by specifying the GUID of
       the HCA or switch and specifying the remote port number.  The
       localPortName:localPortNum tuple specifies which local HCA and
       port to use as the "first hop" in contacting the remote GUID.
       E.g., to monitor port 13 of a remote switch which is connected to
       the fabric on the first port of the second HCA:

       switch13 0xfeeffeefabcdabcd 13 via mthca1:1

SEE ALSO         top

       PCPIntro(1), pmcd(1), PMAPI(3) and ibnetdiscover(8).

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the PCP (Performance Co-Pilot) project.
       Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩.  If you have a bug report for this manual
       page, send it to  This page was obtained from the
       project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on 2024-06-14.
       (At that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found
       in the repository was 2024-06-14.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to

Performance Co-Pilot               PCP                         PMDAIB(1)