deb-origin(5) — Linux manual page


deb-origin(5)                  dpkg suite                  deb-origin(5)

NAME         top

       deb-origin - Vendor-specific information files

SYNOPSIS         top


DESCRIPTION         top

       The files in /usr/local/etc/dpkg/origins can provide information
       about various vendors who are providing Debian packages.

       They contain a number of fields, or comments when the line starts
       with ‘#’.  Each field begins with a tag, such as Vendor or
       Parent, followed by a colon and the body of the field.  Fields
       are delimited only by field tags.  In other words, field text may
       be multiple lines in length, but the tools will join lines when
       processing the body of the field.

       The file should be named according to the vendor name.  The usual
       convention is to name the vendor file using the vendor name in
       all lowercase, but some variation is permitted.

       Namely (since dpkg 1.21.10), first, non-alphanumeric characters
       (‘[^A-Za-z0-9]’) are mapped to dashes (‘-’), then the resulting
       name will be tried in sequence by lower-casing it, keeping it as
       is, lower-casing then capitalizing it (that is upper-casing the
       first character), and only capitalizing it.

       In addition, for historical and backwards compatibility, the name
       will be tried keeping it as is without non-alphanumeric
       characters remapping, then the resulting name will be tried in
       sequence by lower-casing it, keeping it as is, lower-casing then
       capitalizing it, and only capitalizing it.  And finally the name
       will be tried by remapping spaces to dashes (‘-’), then the
       resulting name will be tried in sequence by lower-casing it,
       keeping it as is, lower-casing then capitalizing it, and only
       capitalizing it.

       But these backwards compatible module lookups will be removed
       during the dpkg 1.22.x release cycle.

FIELDS         top

       Vendor: vendor-name (required)
           The value of this field determines the vendor name.

       Vendor-URL: vendor-url
           The value of this field determines the vendor URL.

       Bugs: bug-url
           The value of this field determines the type and address of
           the bug tracking system used by this vendor.  It can be a
           mailto URL or a debbugs URL (e.g.,

       Parent: vendor-name
           The value of this field determines the vendor name of the
           vendor that this vendor derives from.

EXAMPLE         top

        Vendor: Debian
        Bugs: debbugs://

SEE ALSO         top


COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the dpkg (Debian Package Manager) project.
       Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩.  If you have a bug report
       for this manual page, see
       ⟨⟩.  This
       page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository ⟨git
       clone⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At
       that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in
       the repository was 2024-05-21.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to

1.22.6-77-g86fe7               2024-03-10                  deb-origin(5)

Pages that refer to this page: dpkg-vendor(1)deb822(5)